About Mines Venture Center
Mines Entreprenurship and Innovation
We recognize that Mines sits on the ancestral land of the Cheyenne and Ute people. We come with respect for this land we are on today, and pay our respect to those from our past, present, and future who have stewarded this land throughout the generations through long-held Indigenous languages, ideas, bodies, creations, and movements. We value and respect the cultural heritage and beliefs significant to the Cheyenne and Ute people as we pay mind to the sacred and spiritual relationship that has always existed here. We also recognize the hundreds of Indigenous Nations who continue to resist, live, and uphold their sacred relations across their lands. We have a responsibility to acknowledge, honor, and make visible our past and present relationships with Native people in accordance with our values of community and inclusion.
Our Land Acknowledgement was written in collaboration with the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) chapter at Colorado School of Mines and the following student members of AISES.
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